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Security Control and Password in TallyERP9

Tally.ERP 9 provides various security options which can be enabled in this section:

  • TallyVault password : An enhanced security system that allows encryption of your company data. Encryption involves converting normally accessible Tally information into unrecognizable information, which can only be reconverted by authorised persons.

  • Use security control : Security control enables you to initiate a password-protected system to control access to your company data.

Note: The administrator password is case-sensitive, and if forgotten, it cannot be retrieved. Once Security Control is enabled in the Company Alteration screen, the fields against Password and Repeat password will display a single star.

1. Set Password in Tally.ERP9

If you are making a new company then the page will be shown as under or If you want to enter password in old running data in tally the you have to Press Alt+F3 button.

  • Then Go to “Alter”  option.

  • Now go to “Use Security Control” option and do it “YES

  • Name of Administrator: Enter any name as this is user name.

  • Password: Enter the Password that you want.

  • Repeat Password:  Now again enter the same password as above.

  • Now Press “Ctrl+A” button to save the page.

Security Control and Password in TallyERP9

Note: The administrator password is case-sensitive, and if forgotten, it cannot be retrieved.

  • Your Password is set now.

  • When you open your company it will ask for user name as you entered and the password as your set.

Security Control and Password in TallyERP9

  • Now enter the user name and password and your data is open to do you work.

2. Use Security Control in TallyERP9

The administrator can give different permissions to different kind of users based on the company's requirement.

By default Tally.ERP 9 has two levels of Security namely Owner and Data Entry .

Owner - The owner has full access rights which will enable him to work with all the features of Tally.ERP 9, except for Tally Audit and Company Alteration which are reserved for the Administrator. Based on pre-defined security levels the Administrator can create other security levels and assign or restrict access based on the requirement.

Data Entry - Data Entry has restricted access but the administrator can assign or restrict the access based on the requirement.

2.1. Creating Users and Passwords

You can create users, assign security levels, restrict/allow remote access .

To create the user and assign a password execute the following steps:

1.  Go to Gateway of Tally > F3: Company Info > Security Control

2.  Select Users and Passwords

Security Control and Password in TallyERP9

The List of Users for Company screen appears as shown below:

Security Control and Password in TallyERP9

3.  Select the required Security Level from the Security List .

4.  Enter the user’s name in the Username field.

5.  Enter the password in Password (if any) field.

6.  By default Allow Remote Access and Allow Local TDL is set to No and skipped for users not classified under Tally.NET User and Tally.NET Auditor

Security Control and Password in TallyERP9

7. Accept to create the user.

2.2. Creating and Setting Up Voucher Type Security for Users

You can create and assign security levels to allow specific access permissions to a user. To create a new security level, you have to log in as an administrator.
Voucher Type Security will help the business owner specify both individual Voucher Type (Contra, Payment, etc.) restriction and activity level (Sales Department, Procurement Department etc) restriction for different users.

The types of functions or activities for which the control can be set include being able  to Create, Alter, Print , or have Full Access to any particular type of Voucher in Tally.ERP 9.

With Tally.ERP 9's Voucher Type Security feature, the administrator can

  • Provide or deny access to what level of activity can be performed on a Voucher by different users

For example : User A & User B can Create and Alter a Payment Voucher, but User C can only view the same.

  • Provide access to an entire group of Vouchers like Accounting Vouchers, or Inventory Vouchers as a whole.

To create a new security level:

1.  Go to Gateway of Tally F3: Cmp Info Security Control Types of Security .

2.  Create a new security level in the List of Security Levels , as shown below:

Security Control and Password in TallyERP9

3.  Press Enter to view the Security Levels screen.

4.  Assign the applicable security settings.

The Security Levels screen appears as shown below:

Security Control and Password in TallyERP9

5.  Press Ctrl+A to accept.

A new security level is created with the relevant requirements.

3. TallyVault Password

Data Security has been a matter of concern to the Business Owner as most businesses depend on the confidentiality of the information. TallyVault is a feature in Tally.ERP 9 that will help the business to maintain confidentiality of information by encrypting the data.

The user can enter the TallyVault password while creating the company or execute the following steps to provide the TallyVault password for existing companies.

To enable TallyVault

1.  Load the Company that has to be secured using TallyVault.

2.  Go to Gateway of Tally Press Alt+F3 : Company Info Change TallyVault

Security Control and Password in TallyERP9

3.  In the Change TallyVault screen select the required company from the List of Companies.

4.  Enter the Password in the New Password field. Tally.ERP 9 displays the strength of the password entered depending on the combination - Alphabets, Numbers and Special Characters.

5.  Re-enter the password to confirm in the Repeat New Password field.

Security Control and Password in TallyERP9

6.  Accept to Change the TallyVault password.

7.  Tally.ERP 9 displays a message Created New Company followed by the new Company Number, press any key to return to Company Info. menu.

Security Control and Password in TallyERP9

Once the company data is encrypted the Name of the Company and Financial Year will not be visible in the Select Company screen.

1.  In the Company Info , press Select .

2.  The Select Company screen with the encrypted company is displayed as shown.

Security Control and Password in TallyERP9

3.  Select the encrypted company, Tally.ERP 9 will prompt the user to provide the TallyVault password.
Security Control and Password in TallyERP9

4.  Provide the required password and the company data is available for use in a readable format.

The above procedure will ensure that the data/information is available only to authorised users.

To enable TallyVault while creating a new company, you must provide the TallyVault password and repeat the password, the new company created will be secured using TallyVaul

You can change the current TallyVault password for a company.


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Sale of Nil-Rated, Exempted Supplies of Items and Goods using Tally.ERP9

Sales Order Processing in TallyERP9

TDS (Tax Deducted At Source) using TallyERP9

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