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Reports in TallyPrime - INDEX

Balance Sheet Report in TallyPrime

Balance Sheet Report with setting Closing Stock manually

A balance sheet is a financial statement that reports a company's financial position. This report shows the balance between the assets and liabilities of a firm.


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Cash and Bank Book Report in TallyPrime

Cash & Bank Book Report with Daily Balance bareakup.

All transactions that involve a Bank including deposits, credits, withdrawals and so on, are displayed in the Cash and Bank Book Reports .

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Day Book Report in TallyPrime

List of every day transactions under Day Book Report.

In TallyPrime, the Day Book is by default displayed for the current date (as on the last date of voucher entry). However, you may specify the required period, as per your requirements.

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Financial Statements Reports in TallyPrime

Balance Sheet >> Profit & Loss A/c >> Trial Balance >> Receipts & Payment A/c

Financial Statements summarizes individual transactions to show totals, ratios, and statistics required by users to analyze a company’s financial data.

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Management Information System(MIS) Reports in TallyPrime

MIS Reports TallyPrime

MIS Reports are reports required by the management to assess the performance of the organization and allow for faster decision-making.

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Inventory Reports and Statements in TallyPrime

Stock Summery with Godown, Movement Analysis, Ageing & More...

The transactions entered in TallyPrime are immediately posted to the respective ledgers, books and registers. The inventory reports are generated based on these transactions. This facilitates instant reporting and faster decision making.

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Alter or Modifying Reports in TallyPrime

Alter or Modifying Reporst with help of Button Bar.

On selecting a report name from a menu, the report is displayed. You can modify the display to suit your requirements using the appropriate buttons from the button bar.

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Profit & Loss Account Report in TallyPrime

Reports on Profit and Loss Account of Business

The Profit & Loss A/c is a periodic statement, which shows the net result of business operations for a specified period. All the expenses incurred and incomes earned during the reporting period are recorded here. You can view the Profit & Loss account details in TallyPrime for a specified period.

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Purchase Register Report in TallyPrime

Purchase Register Report in monthwise & Column wise.

A Purchase Register displays the information on the periodic purchases of a business concern. You can also view the columnar register for purchase. Purchase returns made during a year can also be traced.

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Receipts and Payments Report in TallyPrime

Receipt and Payment Statements

Receipts and Payments Account is a report of cash and bank transactions during a period. It is used in place of an income and expenditure statement.

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Trial Balance Report in TallyPrime

Trial Balance of a Business in any period.

A trial balance is a summary of all ledger balances, and helps in checking whether the transactions are correct and balanced. If journal entries are error-free and posted correctly to the general ledger, the total of all debit balances should be equal the total of all credit balances.

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