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Company Info. in Tally.ERP9

1. Company Creation in Tally.ERP9

You can create a Company profile by using the following procedure :

1.  Gateway of Tally.ERP 9 →  Create Company (from opening screen)

2.  Gateway of Tally.ERP 9 →  Alter ( Alt+F3) → Create Company

It provides the following screen:

Company Creation in Tally.ERP9

Finally, confirm company creation by pressing the ENTER key/ “Y” key to accept all declaration for the Company. (Now you will be able to work with the Current Company)

Books and Financial Year Details:

  • Financial year begins from : Tally.ERP 9 pre-fills this field based on the date settings of your computer and the Country selected in the Company Creation screen.

For example, if your computer date is set to 06-06-2020 and the region is set to India, the financial year is pre-filled as 01-04-2020.

  • Books beginning from : By default, Tally.ERP 9 fills this field with the Financial year begins from date. You can update this, as needed.

For example, you started to maintain your Books of Accounts in Tally.ERP9  from 1-June-2020. You can update the Books beginning from date to 1-June-2020, while the financial year will be 1-Apr-2020.

  • Security Control : This is optional. You can enable security features such as TallyVault and User controls for your company anytime later. 

Company Creation in Tally.ERP9

a)  TallyVault : If you don’t want to display your company name in Tally.ERP 9 while selecting the company, you can specify a TallyVault password for your company. You can access this company only if you know this password.

b)  User Access : You can allow authorised user access to your company by setting up a username and password for the company. Which means, next time you select the company, you will need to provide this username and password to open the company data. For different users, you can set up different user credentials for controlled access of your company.

2. Opening (Loading) the Company in Tally.ERP9

Once you have created a company, you can load/open the company in one of the following ways:
Select the company

  • Open Tally.ERP 9 Select Company > and select the company from the List of Companies Configure Tally.ERP 9 :

If you wish Tally.ERP 9 to load the company whenever you open Tally.ERP 9

1.   Gateway of Tally F12 (Configure) > Data Configuration .

2.   Set Load companies on start-up to Yes .

3.   Select companies to preload on start-up : You can select one or more companies to get loaded based on your choice, when you open Tally.ERP 9 next time onwards.

The first Screen is called Gateway of Tally.ERP 9.

Gateway of Tally is the screen that appears on selecting a company. The Gateway of Tally menu differs based on the type of company selected. An Accounts Only Company has a different Gateway of Tally menu from that of an Accounts-with-Inventory Company.

The Gateway of Tally menu of a company appears as shown below:

Opening (Loading) the Company in Tally.ERP9

Main Area (Ctrl+M)

The Main Area is separated into the following two areas:

>> Left-hand side area

>> Right-hand side area

The left-hand side area in the Main Area provides information of Current Period, Current Date and List of Selected Companies and Date of Last Entry.

Opening (Loading) the Company in Tally.ERP9
In the right-hand side, you get more detail information on the Company. The Company information menu consists of the following: jjj

1.  List of activated Company (Company already created)

2.  Masters (for defining Ledger, Group, Sub-group, Inventory)

3.  Utilities like Import or Export of Data and Banking features

4.  Transactions/Voucher Entry (Recording Transactions)

5.  Reports (Viewing the Balance Sheet, P&L and other Reports)

Opening (Loading) the Company in Tally.ERP9

Button Bar.

Opening (Loading) the Company in Tally.ERP9

3. Modification | Update | Alter Company Details | Delete Company in Tally.Erp 9

If your company address, phone number, or any other contact information was not provided earlier or has changed, you can update such details in Tally.ERP 9. Any changes made to these details will be reflected accordingly in your reports and printed invoices.

1.  Gateway of Tally > press Alt F3 (Cmp Info) > Alter .

2.  In the Company Alteration screen, make the necessary changes.

3.  Accept the changes. As always, press Ctrl to save.

If you do not need the company anymore, you can delete the company as well by pressing Alt+D in Company Alternation mode screen.

Do...Yourself ?

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Swayam Sales
Balasore, Odisha – 756001
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Account Groups in Tally.ERP9

Ledger (Create / Alter / Delete) in Tally.ERP9

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Creating GST (CGST/SGST/IGST) Ledger in Tally.ERP9

Creating Party Ledger (Sundry Debtor/ Sundry Creditor) in Tally.ERP9

Creating Sales and Purchase Ledgers for GST Compliance in Tally.ERP9

Creating Service Ledger with GST Compliance in Tally.ERP9

Creation of Rounded off (+/-) Ledger for rounding the Invoice Value automatically in Tally.ERP9

Creating Bank Account Ledgers in Tally.ERP9

Creating Expenses and Income Ledgers without GST Compliance in Tally.ERP9



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