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Account Groups in Tally.ERP9

Groups are collection of ledgers of the same nature. Account groups are maintained to determine the hierarchy of Ledger Accounts, which is helpful in determining and presenting meaningful and compliant reports. Using this you can generate reports, which are meaningful as well as compliant with laws.

At the highest level, accounts are classified into Capital or Revenue – and more specifically into Assets, Liabilities Income and Expenditure .

Tally.ERP9 provides you with 28 Pre-defined Groups, of these 15 are Primary Groups and 13 are Sub-Groups . You can also create your own groups, either as Sub-groups or Primary Groups.

The lowest level would be the Ledger Account.  All Voucher entries are passed using ledgers. 

Tally.ERP 9 has Pre-Defined Ledgers for Cash (under Cash-in-hand group) and for the Profit & Loss A/c (under primary group).

15 Primary Groups

 13 Sub Groups

Branch / Divisions

Bank Accounts

Capital Account

Bank OD A/c

Current Assets


Current Liabilities

Deposits (Asset)

Direct Expenses

Duties & Taxes

Direct Incomes

Loans & Advances (Asset)

Fixed Assets


Indirect Expenses

Reserves & Surplus

Indirect Incomes

Secured Loans



Loans (Liability)

Sundry Creditors

Misc. Expenses (ASSET)

Sundry Debtors

Purchase Accounts

Unsecured Loans

Sales Accounts


Suspense A/c


Out of the 15 Primary Groups, 9 Primary Groups appear in the Balance Sheets that are Capital in nature and 6 Primary Groups appear under Profit & Loss account which are Revenue in nature

13 Sub-Groups are classified under the 15 Primary Groups and they appear in the Balance Sheet.

1. Create Account Groups (under Single Group) one-by-one:

1.  Go to Gateway of Tally Accounts Info. Groups Create ( under Single Group )

2.  After giving Name to the Group, In the field Under , from the List of Groups displayed, select the parent group under which the group has to be classified.

For example, Indirect Expenses .
Create Account Groups (under Single Group) one-by-one

A new group created under primary will not be reflected in reports until you pass masters/transactions for that group.

You can also View any Groups…  [Note: In the display mode, group details can't be modified.]
Go to Gateway of Tally Accounts Info. Groups Display ( under Single Group ).

You can also Alter / Modify any Groups …

Go to Gateway of Tally Accounts Info. Groups Alter (under Single Grou) .

2. Create Multiple Groups in one-go (Multiple Groups)

You can create, edit or delete multiple groups in Tally.ERP 9.

1.  Go to Gateway of Tally Accounts Info. Groups Create (Multiple Groups).

2.  Select the group category in the field Under .

3.  Enter the Name of the group. The screen appears as shown below:

Create Multiple Groups in one-go

4.  Select All Items in the field Under to create multiple groups of different categories.

A new group created under primary will not be reflected in reports until you pass masters / transactions for that group.

3. Delete a Created Group (No Default Group)

Groups can be deleted from the alteration screen. You cannot delete groups from the Multiple group Alteration mode.

1.  Go to Gateway of Tally Accounts Info. Groups Alter ( under Single Group ).

2.  Select the group from the List of Groups .

3.  Click : Delete .

4.  Click Yes to confirm deletion.

4. Advanced Configurations for Account Groups

1.  Go to Gateway of Tally Accounts Info Groups Create (Single Group) .

2.  Select F12: Configure (Group Configuration) and enable Allow advanced entries in masters.

Advanced Configurations for Account Groups

The group creation screen with advanced options is displayed as shown below:

Advanced Configurations for Account Groups

In the Group Creation screen

1.   Enter a name for the group.

2.   Enter a group category. If a group is created under Primary you must select from asset, expenses, income or liability.

3.   Select the Nature of Group .

4.   Select Yes for the option Group behaves like sub-ledger? to allow groups to act as a ledger.

  • When the option Group behaves like sub-ledger? is set to No , all the ledgers that are grouped is displayed in detailed mode, as shown below:

Advanced Configurations for Account Groups

  • When the option Group behaves like sub-ledger? is set to Yes , the ledgers grouped under the same is not displayed in detailed mode, as shown below:

Advanced Configurations for Account Groups

5.   Set Nett Debit/Credit Balances for Reporting? to Yes to display net debit or credit balance in the report (whichever is higher).

6.   Set Used for Calculation (e.g. taxes, discounts)? to Yes if ledgers under this group have percentages for discounts or taxes to be used in invoice entry. This is displayed while passing voucher in invoice mode and for automatic calculations.

7.   Select Method to Allocate when used in Purchase Invoice from the Allocation Methods list to allocate the expense of the item in the ratio of the quantity or value.

Do it ...Yourself !

Create the Following Groups under various Pre-defined Groups (already given) :

Sundry Debtor (pre-defined) :
Corporate Customer
Local Customers
Outside Customers
Wholesale Customer

Sundry Creditor (pre-defined) :
Local Creditor
Outside Creditor (IGST)
Other Creditor

Indirect Expenses (pre-defined):
Salaries & Staff Expenses
Administrative Expenses
Selling & Distribution Expenses

Indirect Income (pre-defined):
Other Income
Interest Earning





Related Topics....

Account Groups in Tally.ERP9

Ledger (Create / Alter / Delete) in Tally.ERP9

GST Setup (Activation) in Tally.ERP9

Creating GST (CGST/SGST/IGST) Ledger in Tally.ERP9

Creating Party Ledger (Sundry Debtor/ Sundry Creditor) in Tally.ERP9

Creating Sales and Purchase Ledgers for GST Compliance in Tally.ERP9

Creating Service Ledger with GST Compliance in Tally.ERP9

Creation of Rounded off (+/-) Ledger for rounding the Invoice Value automatically in Tally.ERP9

Creating Bank Account Ledgers in Tally.ERP9

Creating Expenses and Income Ledgers without GST Compliance in Tally.ERP9



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