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'Web Enabled, Print Preview and Online Help Features'@ Tally.ERP 9

Tally.ERP 9 is web enabled, has a Print Preview facility and online help.


1. Web Enabled


Email and Internet Publishing are the Web enabled features available in Tally.ERP 9. This facility of Tally.ERP 9 reduces the paper work. Reports, Reminder letters, Statement of Accounts, Invoices and Purchase Orders can be e-mailed directly from Tally.ERP 9. Thus, the user does not have to send printed invoice or purchase orders. This feature helps you to save on postage and valuable time.

E-mailing Customer’s Outstanding Statement


Select a customer’s Outstandings Statement from the following path:


Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statements of Accounts > Outstandings > Ledger > click the E-mail button.


The Mailing Ledger Outstanding screen appears as shown below :

There are various options that are automatically filled in provided the information had been supplied in the master records. Check if the details are all right. Select Yes, If they are, and if not select No to change the options. The cursor first goes to the To E-mail address field as it saves time by skipping standard information. However, to change the standard information, use a backspace and retype.

Note :

The fields that appear in the Mailing Outstading Ledger screen is briefed below:


E-mail Server: Give the name of your E-mail SMTP server, e.g. It should be a valid and compatible SMTP server to send your mail. Ask your Internet Service Provider or network administrator for help, if required. This information is entered only once and thereafter use it by default.


From: Your Company name is picked up from the Company Informa- tion Master records.


From E-Mail Address: Your own e-mail address. Tally.ERP 9 picks up the address given in the Company Information master data. Fill this option, if it does not exist.


Format: There are three formats available:


ASCII (Comma delimited): This is plain text format where data is separated by commas. This format does not have any special for- matting or fonts. This is the most common e-mail format are com- patible with all mail programs. ASCII data can be easily worked upon by other programs.


HTML (Web-publishing): Reports are attractive and retain their formatting and fonts. They can be read by an HTML enabled mail program. It can also be read by using a browser like the Microsoft Internet Explorer.


XML (data interchange): Stands for Extensible Mark-up Language, it is an extension of HTML but the data is capable of being imported by other XML compatible systems. Using XML, Tally enables you to exchange information even with non-Tally systems. An XML output will have an XML envelope and is formatted with XML tags to ena- ble import into other systems. Therefore, Your Tally invoice in XML format can be imported by another system without difficulty reduc- ing data entry time and errors. This language is fast emerging as the de-facto standard for information exchange all over the world and with it Tally gives you the means to collaborate with others and share information like never before.

Select the one required by your recipient. An explanation on each format is given below:


Resolution: This is required only in the case of HTML formats and refers to the resolution of graphic images in terms of pixels. This is a feature that is used to format a report since it affects the quality of out- put. Higher resolutions are generally recommended to obtain clear prints. Tally recommends a standard pixel resolution size of 1024x768.


To E-Mail Address (Mandatory field): This is for the recipient's e-mail address. A valid e-mail address is required.


CC: (if any): For sending the same mail to another recipient.


Subject: This is pre-filled for you. This can be changed to any other subject, according to your requirements.


Additional Text: The text in this will appear as the first lines in the message body of the recepient’s mail program. The other options are the same as in Print option and are self-explanatory.

2. Internet Publishing


Tally.ERP 9 makes commercial use of your web space by uploading reports and documents on the website. For this purpose, it creates reports in the web-language HTML, that is directly put on the website. You can use this feature to inform customers of the latest business offers. The data used for transmission is encrypted.


3. Upload


Any report, statement or data can be published on the internet. Publishing is carried out by uploading the report to an Internet Server that has been configured to accept files in specific pro- tocols. A Site is basically a specific directory space allotted on that server. Protocols are sets of rules and specifications on how data and files are transferred over a network. It covers all aspects of communication between computers including the content, its formatting and error control.


For example: You want to publish your Price List on your Website. Select the Price List from Inventory Information. Click the Upload button. The first time you upload, fill up the dialogue box with the information required. Select No initially, in the upload window to edit information on the screen.

Note :


The fields that appear in the Upload screen are briefed below:


Upload to FTP Site: FTP or File Transfer Protocol, is the most com- mon choice of transferring data or files of any type to an Internet site. An FTP site is a directory space in a server that accepts FTP connec- tions called the FTP Server.If you know that your server is set up for HTTP/HTTPS, then use this option, else choose FTP.


Upload to Web Page – HTTP/HTTPS: HTTP - short for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol is a standard for the transfer of HTML files over the internet. HTTP Servers are pre-programmed to accept HTTP connec- tions. HTTPS sites are Servers that are configured to accept secure connections. They conform to standard security protocols (e.g. SSL and SET) to ensure that your data and files are not tampered.


URL: Stands for Universal Resource Locator, identifies the server address where you want your report to be published. In order to use FTP you will need to know the FTP server name and directory path. The FTP server name is the domain name of the Web server to which you are publishing (for example, The directory path is the folder on the server where your web page is stored (for example, / public_html). For a web page, an URL will typically be in the form


Secure Server: In order to upload a Web Page a secure connection is required. Select Yes, in this option if you think your data is sensitive. A secure site is one that has an ‘s’ prefixed with http. You will know it is a secure site when you see in your browser URL
like: https:/


User Name and Password: The Internet server would require an Id proof before allowing you to upload data and files on site. Contact your Internet service provider if you have forgotten your user name, pass- word or FTP location.


File Name: A file name is given to an FTP Site to where the content is uploaded. Accept it as it is or modify it, if necessary.


Format: There are four formats that have already been explained ear- lier under the e-mail section.

4. Print Preview


Tally.ERP 9, provides you with the facility to check report formats and layouts, before the actual printing takes place. The same can also be e-mailed.


For example, to see the print preview of the Trial Balance.


Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Trial Balance > Click on Print and click on the button With



The screen now appears as shown below:


5. Local / Online Help


This is a Local help system, which displays the help screen relevant to the topic, by just clicking on the help button provided in Tally.ERP 9.


For example: For information on Cash Flow or Funds Flows, press Alt+H.


Go the Gateway of Tally >select Display > Cash/Funds Flow >Cash Flow and click on the Help button (or use Alt + H) and the following screen appears:

Select Local Help to access the relevant topics in the Tally.ERP 9 Reference Manual.


The Tally.ERP 9 Reference Manual, displays the content for the particular screen. This facility is available on all screens in Tally.ERP 9.


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