Enter the Name of the Stock Group
Specify an alternate or additional name for the Stock Group (if any).
Note: Duplicate Alias names will not be accepted.
Select Primary if there is not any other Sub-Group, else select any other Sub-Group from the popup list. Use Alt+C to create a parent, if you do not have the group you want in the list.
Can the quantities of items be ADDED?
The quantities of all the stock items under this stock group will be added, provided all the stock items have same units to be ‘addable’. You certainly would not want to add Kgs with Pcs (where you have a group like 'Consumables' and items like 'grease' and 'rag cloth' which are measured in kg and metres respectively). Let us select Yes here because we want to create items like floppy disks and disk drives etc which at this point would be addable and the total meaningful. You may later set it to No, if you find that the totals do not make sense. It is, possibly, easier to set it to No initially and later set it to Yes on assessing the item units in the group. |