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Introduction-Stock Groups @ Tally.ERP9



Describe a Stock Group in Tally.ERP 9.




Stock Items can be grouped together under Stock Groups to reflect their classification under a common feature. Grouping would enable them to be easily located and reported in statements. Hence, items of a particular brand can be grouped together so that you can extract a stock on all items of that brand. For example, create Stock Groups like Sony, Maxell, and Verbatim. Your stock items could then be Sony 3.5" disks, Maxell 3.5" disks, Sony tapes, Maxell tapes, etc. Classify the Sony products under the Stock Group Sony. Now you have ready details of all the Sony products classified appropriately. You may even group your items as Raw materials and Finished Goods.


All the Stock Items can be classified into Stock Groups based on common features of the Item like quality, manufacturer's brand name, type of product etc. The relationship between Stock Item and Stock Group is similar to that of the Accounts Ledger and Accounts Groups. You can create Stock Groups to any Level (Unlimited hierarchy).

Note: In any Inventory Vouchers, only the Stock Item moves in or out, but not the Stock Group. Stock Group helps to extract a Stock of all those items in that brand

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