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'Features & Configures of Point Of Sale (PoS) '@ Tally.ERP 9

A- Features of Point of Sale (PoS) in Tally.ERP 9

The Salient features Point of Sale (PoS) in Tally.ERP 9 are as follows :


Generates POS Invoice with date and time of the transaction.

Generates POS related reports such as Cash Registers, Sales Registers and Inventory reports.

Ensures management of gift cards, vouchers, admissions, discounts and so on.

Allows multiple mode of payment for a single invoice.

Eases Cash and Credit/Debit transactions and tracks balances to be tendered to buyers.

Provides quantified tracking of sales and promotions.

Allows for real time updation of inventory and the option of quickly matching inventory with floor counts.

Helps in identifying consumer-purchasing patterns.

Facilitates bar-code scanning of Stock Keeping Units (SKU’s) or items.

Ensures multi-level security control of cash and Inventory.

Increases efficiency and productivity at the point of sale.


Tally.ERP 9’s point of sale application can search your inventory database not only on item description or SKU but also by alias name, part number, keywords and so on. Stock summary reports can be used for viewing group-wise, category-wise, godown-wise, batch-wise and supplier-wise details of the stock items.



B- Configuring Point of Sale in Tally.ERP 9


Tally.ERP 9’s Point of Sale module makes it easy to streamline your retail operations by automat- ing the ‘Check out’ process for your customers. It takes a one-time configuration in Tally.ERP 9 for POS features to be activated.


Illustration for POS

Consider M/s. City Super Market, a leading retail chain, which deals in grocery products.



Create a new company City Super Market in Tally.ERP 9, maintaining Accounts with Inventory. The completed Company Creation screen appears as shown in figure.


1. Company Setup


Go to Company Info. > Create Company


Create the company with the following detaills :
Press Y or Enter to accept.

2. Creating POS Voucher Type


The first step to enable POS Invoicing in Tally.ERP 9 is to create a POS Invoice Voucher Type. Using Voucher class, you can pre-define accounts, limit the list of ledgers for selection during voucher entry, automate ledger posting associated with stock items and create auto selection for duties, discounts and rounding off.


Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounts Info. > Voucher Types > Create


In the Voucher Creation screen,


1. Type the Name of Voucher Type as POS Invoice.

2. Select the Voucher Type as Sales from the list of voucher types.

3. Type the Abbreviation as POS.

4. Method of Voucher Numbering is set by default to Automatic, but can be set to Manual or


5. Set Use Advance Configuration to Yes. Tally.ERP 9 displays the Secondary Voucher Type

Creation screen. Accept the default screen.

6. Set Use EFFECTIVE Dates for Vouchers to No.

7. Set Make ‘Optional’ as Default to No.

8. Set Use Common narration and Narration for each entry to No.

9. Set Print after saving Voucher to Yes.

10.Set Use for POS Invoicing to Yes and press Enter.

11.You will find two additional fields for messages and can use them as per your requirements.

Type Thank You and Visit Again in the Print Message 1 and Print Message 2 fields respec- tively.

12.Specify the Default Print Title as INVOICE.

13.Under Declaration, you can enter the statutory declaration if applicable. The same will be printed in the Tax Invoice. For this exercise, leave it blank.

14.The Name of Class field is left blank as the Voucher Type is created without voucher class. The completed POS Invoice Voucher Type screen appears as shown.

15.Press Y or Enter to Accept.



3. Creating Leders

Create sales and purchases ledgers in the books of M/s. City Super Market.


Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounts Info. > Ledgers > Create



Under Group

Inventory Values are Affected


Purchase Accounts



Sales Accounts




i. Creating Stock Items

Create stock items with standard price. To set standard rates for stock items, set Allow Std. Rates for Stock Items to Yes in F12: Configure — Accts/Inventory Info.



Go to Gateway of Tally > Inventory Info. > Stock Items > Create

1. Name: Olive Oil

2. Under: FMCG. (Press ALT+C to create stock group FMCG under primary)

3. Units: Bottle. (Press ALT+C to create a simple unit of measure Bottle)

4. Set Standard Rates?: Yes. Tally.ERP 9 displays a screen where the standard rates can be specified.

Applicable from: 1-4-2009.

Under Standard Cost, specify the rate as 125 and under Standard Selling Price specify the rate as 150.



The Standard Rates screen appears as shown :

5. Press Y or Enter to accept the standard rate settings.



The completed Stock Item creation screen displays as shown.
Press Y or Enter to accept the stock item creation screen.

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