A very important function of Working Capital Management is the monitoring of stocks. Money locked up in stocks can adversely affect the liquidity of a company. Every company strives or should strive to reduce stock levels to the optimum. Most businesses would prefer to dispose off older stocks as they might deteriorate with time, go out of fashion, or simply get forgotten.
Tally.ERP 9's Stock Ageing analysis enables you to know the age of stocks in hand according to when they were received and their purchase value.
1. View Inventory Ageing Report
Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Inventory Books > Ageing Analysis
Select Medicines Group, Press Enter
and change the date (if any) and Press Alt + F1 ( Details)
Saridon with batch number ST-101 and expiry date is displayed
Click on the button Expired Batches to view only those items which have expired (The button All Batches appears when the expired batches are on display)
Press the button Hide Amounts, which toggles with Show Amounts to view the report with or without values
Set ageing style as By Expiry Date and the screen appears as shown below :
You will find that the Ageing Periods are displayed as <45 days, 45-90 days, 90-180 days and >180 days. These are the ageing period that Tally.ERP 9 displays by default.
However, you change the ageing period by using F6: Ageing Periods