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FAQ on Export & Import of Data in Tally.ERP9

FAQ-1 : Can I Export and import the entire data (masters and transactions) to the new company using Tally.ERP 9 ?


Yes, you can export and import the entire data to a newly created company, exporting the data is a two step process. You have to export the masters first followed by exporting the transactions. The steps for exporting the master are as below:

Ensure that (F11: Features) of the exporting and the importing company are the same

Export Masters

1. From the Gateway of Tally > Display > List of Accounts

2. Click E: Export or press Alt + E

The Exporting List of Ledgers screen appears.

3. Select Language as Default (All Languages) from the list displayed.

4. Select Format as XML (Data Interchange)

5. By default the Export Location is set to C:\Tally.ERP9 or provide an export location of your choice

6. By default the Output Filename is set to Master.XML or provide a filename of your choice

7. Select All Masters in the Type of Masters field

8. Press Enter, the exported data is stored in the specified path

Export Transactions

1. From the Gateway of Tally > Display > Day Book

2. Click F2: Period or press Alt+F2 and specify the period

3. Click E: Export or press Alt + E

The Exporting Day Book screen appears

  4. Select Language as Default (All Languages) from the list displayed

5. Select Format as XML (Data Interchange)

6. By default the Export Location is set to C:\Tally.ERP9 or provide an export location of your choice

7. By default the Output Filename is set to DayBook.XML or provide a filename of your choice

8. Select the required Format (Condensed or Detailed)

9. Set Show Voucher Numbers to Yes to export voucher numbers.

10. Set Show Narrations also to Yes to export voucher narrations.

11. Set Show Billwise Details also to Yes to export bill wise details

12. Set Show Cost Centre details also to Yes to export cost centres

13. Set Show Inventory Details also to Yes to export inventory details

14. Set Show Bank Details also, Show Dependent Masters and Show Forex Transactions to No

15. Set Select vouchers to show to All Vouchers export all voucher types 

16. Press Enter, the exported data is stored in the specified path

Import Masters into New Company

On the system where data has to be imported

1. Select the required company

2. Go to Gateway of Tally > Import of Data > Masters

The Import of Masters screen appears.

3. In Import File Name enter the filename containing the exported masters

4. In Treatment of Entries Already Existing, select Modify with new data from the list of Behaviours displayed

5. Press Enter to import the masters

Once the import process is complete, compare the statistics of both importing and exporting company.

  • Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statement of Accounts > Statistics

Import Vouchers into New Company

On the system where data has to be imported

1. Select the required company

2. Go to Gateway of Tally > Import of Data > Vouchers


The Import of Vouchers screen appears.

3. In Import File Name enter the filename containing the exported vouchers

4. Press Enter to import the transactions

Once the import process is complete, compare the statistics of both importing and exporting company. 

  • Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statement of Accounts > Statistics.

FAQ-2 : Can I Export and import the entire data (masters and transactions) to the new company using Tally.ERP 9?


Yes, you can export and import the entire data to a newly created company, exporting the data is a two step process. You have to export the masters first followed by exporting the transactions. The steps for exporting the master are as below:

Ensure that (F11: Features) of the exporting and the importing company are the same

Export Masters

1. From the Gateway of Tally > Display > List of Accounts

2. Click E: Export or press Alt + E

The Exporting List of Ledgers screen appears.

3. Select Language as Default (All Languages) from the list displayed.

4. Select Format as XML (Data Interchange)

5. By default the Export Location is set to C:\Tally.ERP9 or provide an export location of your choice

6. By default the Output Filename is set to Master.XML or provide a filename of your choice

7. Select All Masters in the Type of Masters field

8. Press Enter, the exported data is stored in the specified path

Export Transactions

1. From the Gateway of Tally > Display > Day Book

2. Click F2: Period or press Alt+F2 and specify the period

3. Click E: Export or press Alt + E

The Exporting Day Book screen appears

4. Select Language as Default (All Languages) from the list displayed

5. Select Format as XML (Data Interchange)

6. By default the Export Location is set to C:\Tally.ERP9 or provide an export location of your choice

7. By default the Output Filename is set to DayBook.XML or provide a filename of your choice

8. Select the required Format (Condensed or Detailed)

9. Set Show Voucher Numbers to Yes to export voucher numbers.

10. Set Show Narrations also to Yes to export voucher narrations.

11. Set Show Billwise Details also to Yes to export bill wise details

12. Set Show Cost Centre details also to Yes to export cost centres

13. Set Show Inventory Details also to Yes to export inventory details

14. Set Show Bank Details also, Show Dependent Masters and Show Forex Transactions to No

15. Set Select vouchers to show to All Vouchers export all voucher types 

16. Press Enter, the exported data is stored in the specified path

Import Masters into New Company

On the system where data has to be imported

1. Select the required company

2. Go to Gateway of Tally > Import of Data > Masters

The Import of Masters screen appears.

3. In Import File Name enter the filename containing the exported masters

4. In Treatment of Entries Already Existing, select Modify with new data from the list of Behaviours displayed

5. Press Enter to import the masters

Once the import process is complete, compare the statistics of both importing and exporting company.

  • Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statement of Accounts > Statistics

Import Vouchers into New Company

On the system where data has to be imported

1. Select the required company

2. Go to Gateway of Tally > Import of Data > Vouchers

The Import of Vouchers screen appears.

3. In Import File Name enter the filename containing the exported vouchers

4. Press Enter to import the transactions

Once the import process is complete, compare the statistics of both importing and exporting company. 

  • Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statement of Accounts > Statistics.

FAQ-3 : Can I export and import the required ledger to the new company using Tally.ERP 9 ?


Yes, you can export the required ledgers to a new company. It is essential to create and select the new company before exporting the ledgers.

1. Load both the existing company and new company in Tally.ERP 9. 

2. Select the required company whose masters are to be exported.

2. Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounts Info > Ledger > Alter

3. Select the required Ledger 

4. In the Ledger Alteration screen, press F3 and select the new company to import this ledger master.

The ledger master which will be exported and imported to the new company. Similarly, you can also select individual ledgers and export them to another company.

Note: In case you have created any additional groups, these additional groups need to be imported to the new company following the above mentioned procedure and then import the required ledger masters.

FAQ-4 : How to import Masters in Tally.ERP 9 ?


In Tally.ERP 9 you can import data from earlier versions of Tally, Tally.ERP 9 and any third party application using the predefined format of XML.

Importing Masters in Tally.ERP 9

To Import the Masters follow the steps given below:

1.     Go to Gateway of Tally > Import of Data > Masters

Tally.Erp 9 : Export And Import of Data


2.     In the Import of Masters screen 

3.     Enter the required path and filename in the Import File Name (XML) field. If the file is located in the default folder (Eg. C:\Tally.ER9Master.xml), then you only need to provide the filename. (Master.xml) 

4.     In the field Treatment of entries already existing select the required Behaviour 

o    Combine Opening Balances: Select this option to import data of different branches and consolidate the opening balances. You can also select this option when the opening balances of the existing Masters are Zero and need to be overwritten by the balances in the data being imported.  

o    Ignore Duplicates Select this option to import new Masters along with the existing Masters in Tally ignoring the duplicates. 

o    Modify with New Data Select this option to replace the existing balances with those in the data imported and also override the other options available in the Behaviour list. 


Tally.Erp 9 : Export And Import of Data


    5.  Press Enter to Import the Masters 

Import Log: Double click on the Tally.imp file located in the Tally.ERP folder to view the import log.

FAQ-5 : How to import Vouchers in Tally.ERP 9 ?

To import vouchers in Tally.ERP 9, follow the steps given below:


1.     Go to Gateway of Tally > Import of Data > Vouchers 

Tally.Erp 9 : Export And Import of Data


2.     In the Import of Vouchers screen, enter the required path and filename in the Import File Name (XML) field. If the file is located in the default folder (E.g. C:Tally.ERP 9Daybook.xml), then you only need to provide the filename. (Daybook.xml) 


Tally.Erp 9 : Export And Import of Data



3.     Press Enter to import the vouchers

Import Log: Double click on Tally.imp file located in the Tally.ERP 9 folder to view the import log

FAQ-6 : Can I export and import stock Items to another company using Tally.ERP 9 ?


Yes, it is possible to export a stock item to another new company by following the steps shown below: 

  1. Load both the importing and exporting companies in Tally.ERP 9
  2. Select the Company from which Stock Item has to be exported
  3. Go to Gateway of Tally Inventory Info > Stock Item > Alter
  4. Select the required Item from the list of items displayed
  5. In the Stock Item Alteration screen, click F3: Company or press F3
  6. In the Change Current Company screen, select the company in which the stock item has to be imported from the list of companies displayed
  7. The Stock Item Alteration screen for the selected company appears, press Ctrl+A  to save the stock item.

FAQ-7 : How can I export the Debtor and Creditor Ledgers from an existing company to the newly created company using Tally.ERP 9 ?


You can export the Sundry Debtor and Sundry Creditor ledgers to a newly created company by following the steps shown:

In the source company

§         Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounts info > Ledgers > Alter (Multiple Ledgers)

§         Select Sundry Debtor/ Sundry Creditor from the List of Groups

§         Click F3: Company or press F3

§         Select the New Company

§         In the Multi Group Alteration screen press Ctrl + A to save the Creditor/ Debtors ledgers in the new company

FAQ-8. As SDF Format is not available during export is it possible to enable exporting the data in SDF format?


Yes, it is possible to export the data in SDF format. You will have to download an extension or a customized program from and paste the file in C:\Tally.ERP9 folder.

§         Go to Gateway of Tally or Company Info menu press F12: Configuration > F4: Local TDLs.

§         In the TDL Configuration screen, enable Local TDLs on Startup and provide the path or the folder where the TDL file is stored.

§         Start Tally.ERP 9, in the export configuration screens and you will have the option SDF format along with other available formats.


FAQ-9. Can I Export and Import the required transactions only in Tally.ERP 9?


Yes, it is possible to export and import the required transactions only. Before exporting the data ensure that the Financial period and Book beginning from dates are the same in both the companies

  • Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Daybook > press Alt+F2
  • Mention the required period
  • Set Select vouchers to show to All Vouchers 

The exported transactions for the specified period are stored in DayBook.xml.


FAQ-10. I have data in two companies namely Company A and Company B in Tally.ERP 9. Company A is having data from January to March and Company B is having data from April to December. Can I merge the data into a single company?


Yes, it's possible to merge the data of company A and company B by following the steps shown below. As a precaution it is suggested to take a back up of both the companies.

  • Create a new company having the F11: Features of both Company A and B
  • The Financial Year from date must also be the same as Company A and B
  • Select company A, export the Masters and Daybook for the required period
  • Import the masters and the day book in the new company.
  • Similarly repeat the above steps for company  

The new company will have data for company A and B.



FAQ-11. Can I export data from Tally.ERP 9 in Excel Format?


Yes, it is possible to export data in Excel format. From any Tally.ERP 9 report click E: Export or press Alt+E. In the Export Report screen:

  • In the Language field, select Default (All Languages).
  • In Format field, select Excel (Spreadsheet)
  • By default, the application folder's location will be used as the Export Location.
  • Fill in the Output File Name. A shortened version of the report's name in Tally.ERP 9 is filled in by default.
  • Fill in the Output Sheet Name. By default, the report's name in Tally.ERP 9 is filled in.
  • Configure the other options as per requirement.


Tally.Erp 9 : Export And Import of Data


  • Press Enter or Y to export the report in Excel format. The exported file is saved in the Tally.ERP9 application folder.



FAQ-12. Can I export the data into Excel and save the file on Desktop or any other folder?



Yes, it is possible to store the file on the desktop or any other location by specifying the required path or folder in Export Location field.



FAQ-13. Is there a provision to export the ledgers along with their respective closing balances and Import them into a new company as opening balances?



It is possible to export masters to a new company, however the opening balances need to be manually entered in the new company.


FAQ-14. I want to import a set of vouchers belonging to the same company. How can I achieve this without overwriting them?



It is possible to duplicate the same set of vouchers within the same company.  To duplicate vouchers while importing the data you need to disable the option Overwrite Vouchers during import (where voucher Remote GUID matches) which is provided in F12: Configure > General configuration.



  • On enabling the option Overwrite Vouchers during import (where voucher Remote GUID matches), Tally.ERP 9 will overwrite the existing vouchers.
  • By default Overwrite Vouchers during import (where voucher Remote GUID matches) is disabled.


FAQ-15. We wanted to import an XML file into Tally.ERP 9. While importing the data we encountered an error which halted the import process. Is there an option to ignore the errors and continue importing the data?



Yes, it is possible to ignore the errors while importing the XML data into Tally.ERP 9. To ignore possible errors while importing XML data into Tally.ERP 9 enable the option Ignore errors during XML import (Applicable for importing vouchers in XML format/SOAP Request) which is provided in F12: Configure > General configuration.  


For Example: An XML file has 50 transactions that are to be imported into Tally.ERP 9. The import process is commenced, after importing 19th voucher the import process came to an abrupt halt and displayed the appropriate error message.


You can enable the option Ignore errors during XML import (Applicable for importing vouchers in XML format/SOAP Request) provided in F12: Configure > General Configuration and restart the import process. The entire XML data will be imported to Tally.ERP 9 without any breaks or errors by ignoring erroneous vouchers.


FAQ-16. Can I record the error messages that appear while importing or synchronizing data. How can I do this and where is the file stored?



Yes, it is possible to record error messages that appear while importing/synchronizing data. The detailed messages are stored in a file Tally.imp which reside in the application folder.

To record detailed messages in Tally.imp file the user has to enable the option Enable Detailed Log (tally. imp) which is provided in F12: Configure > Advanced configuration.


FAQ-17. Tally.ERP 9 displays a message Failed to write to tally.imp file or Failed to open tally.imp file while synchronizing or importing data. Why?



Tally.ERP 9 displays this message when it was unable to open or write to Tally.imp due to any one of the following reasons:

  • Tally.imp file is write protected
  • The file is used by another application
  • Another instance of Tally.ERP 9 is using this file

Make the changes shown below to resolve this issue:


  • Full permissions have to be given to Tally.imp file by following the steps shown:
    • In the application folder right click tally.imp file
    • Select Properties
    • In the tally.imp Properties window, click Security tab
    • Click Edit to change the permissions
    • In Permissions for tally.imp window, select the required user from Groups or UserNames
    • In Permissions for Authenticated Users check Allow against Full Control
    • Click Apply
    • Click OK
  • Close another instance of Tally.ERP 9 which is running on your system

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