The Email IDs screen comprises of Contact Numbers and Email IDs of ledger Accounts which are created under Bank Accounts, Branch, Capital A/c, Deposits, Loans & Advances (Asset), Loans (Liability), Reserves & Surplus, Retained Earnings, Secured Loans, Unsecured Loans, Sundry Creditors and Sundry Debtors.
This feature is useful in viewing/altering the contact details / email address of ledgers grouped under the above mentioned groups in a single screen, thereby facilitating easy alteration/ inclusion of email address and contact numbers, which can be used for mailing various Accounting reports, confirmation statements and reminder letters to the respective parties.
Note : By default, the Email IDs screen displays the list of ledgers for which the Email IDs are not specified in the respective ledger master
To view E-Mail IDs screen,
Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Exception Reports |