How do I pass a Cheque Bounce/Return/Dishonor entry in Tally.ERP 9?
I had passed a Receipt entry for the amount received from my debtor (customer). However the cheque has bounced. Now how do I handle the cheque bounce scenario in Tally.ERP 9?
Answers :
Pass a Receipt Voucher, for the amount received from the debtor (customer):
When the Cheque has bounced/returned, now need to pass a reversal entry using a Payment voucher by debiting Debtor and crediting Bank A/c:
1. In this scenario, as you have passed Receipt Entry to record payment, it is necessary to pass even reversal/return/bounce entry to balances matches during Bank Reconciliation.
2. A separate voucher type named Cheque Bounce under Payment voucher can be created to track cheque bounce entries.
3. You may also pass the reversal entry using a Journal voucher, by enabling the option Allow Cash Accounts in Journal in Journal Voucher Configuration.
4. Even it is possible through Debit/Credit Note for these reversal entry, but need to ensure “Allow Cash Account in Journal” is enabled in Journal then Cash/Bank ledges appears in Debit/Credit Notes.
5. Similarly, need to pass reversal entry (Receipt Voucher) when the issued cheque is bounced. |