To print the Payment Advice:
Go to Gateway of Tally > Banking > Payment Advice > select Ledger > Press Alt+P to print All the listed payments or press Spacebar to select the required payment row(s)and then press Alt+P to print.
- Go to Gateway of Tally > Banking > Payment Advice.
- Select the required Ledger account from List of Ledgers.
The Payment Advice screen is displayed with list of payment vouchers.
To print the payment advice of all the payments:
- Click Print or press Alt+P.
To print the payment advice for the selected payments:
- Press Spacebar to select the required payment row(s).
- Click Print or press Alt+P.
The Report Print screen appears.

- Click No or Press N or Esc to set the other options as follows:
- Payment Advice Date: By default, the current date is displayed. Provide the required date.
- Print Due Date: By default, this option is set to No. Set it to Yes to print the due date in the payment advice.
- Print Company’s PAN/IT Number: By default, this option is set to No. Set Yes to print the PAN/IT No of the company.
Payment Advice Printing Configuration
The Payment Advice Printing Configuration screen allows the user to enable/disable Printing Company Logo and also to set a different Location of Logo temporarily based on your requirement.
- Click F12: Configure or press F12 at the Print Report of Payment Advice
The configuration screen appears as shown:

Note: The Location of Logo set in F11: Accounting Features will be the default.
- Set the required options and Save the settings.
- The Print Report screen appears.
- Accept to Print.
The Payment Advice is displayed as shown:
