Is it possible to copy the components of a BOM to another Bill of Material of a stock Item?
For stock item Television, ABC company has 2 BOM - Customer A and Standard. Now company wants to create a new BOM - Customer X as Customer wants Television to be manufactured with specific brand of Picture Tube - Picture Tube LG. Except Picture Tube, the components used to manufacture Television will be same as defined in Standard BOM. Hence ABC Company wants to copy the components of standard BOM to Customer B.
Yes, Tally.ERP 9 allows you to copy Components of a BOM to another BOM of a Stock Item. The Bill of Material creation capability has been enhanced to copy the componentsof one BOM to another BOM.
To create a new BOM from Gateway of Tally > Invnetory Info. > Stock Items > Alter > select Teleivsion
- Set the option Alter Componets (BOM) to Yes
- In Stock Item Multi Components (M BOM) screen